For whatever reason, Apple has made it difficult for Macintosh owners to find an
"official" web site from which to download Service Manuals for their products.
However...you might try the following:
The Apple User Manuals search site at http://www.info.apple.com/support/manuals.html
may require you to register with a username and password of your
choosing before you are allowed to access Apple's Knowledge Base
Some "Legalese" just to keep us all safe:
Some software may be used only upon conditions stated in apple license
contained in the Apple SW License Agreement: ftp://ftp31.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/+LICENSE_READ_ME_FIRST
You must go to that file and read the license agreement. By
downloading the software you are agreeing to the terms of the
Apple license. Do not download if you do not agree with these terms.
* means I've received positive customer feedback about this vendor. Please let me know if you wish to suggest others.
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- The Mac 512 Users Group
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- A Version of Unix that Runs on Macs Without Reformatting or Partitioning your Drive
- You can download it here from Jag's House
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- NetBSD - A UNIX-like Operating System
- Installing A/UX by Cameron Kaiser
- Puma's NetBSD/mac68k pages
- NetBSD On A Classic II Macintosh
- Where Old Macs Go To Be Recycled
- These folks could use that old Mac you want to get rid of
- "What To Do With An Old Macintosh" by Jeff Weitzman
- The Mac As A Fish Tank
- The Apple Online Museum
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- Glen Sanford's History of Apple Computers
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- The Apple Collection
- Excellent links; MacVeteran page
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- Steve Wozniak's Web Site
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Macintosh info and tips with elan!
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- Marco's Vintage Macintosh Site
- Originally in Italian but now fully translated into English. Check out the old Mac games demo.
- Looking For Something "Macintosh"?
Floppy Driven Macs by Jeff Garrison
- My Emailing Mac Plus archive of Jeff's page.
- Making the Macintosh: Technology and Culture in Silicon Valley
- Robert Andrew Lentz's Macintosh Page
- Another Great Resource for Mac software, and much, much more
- Mac Domain
- Byron's Macarchaeologist Page
- Archaic Apples
- Info on Apple, Lisa. and Macintosh Hardware, System Software (includes International Versions), Schematics, and MUCH More
- This is a "Must See" website
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- More Giving Your Computer Directions Using the Keyboard
- 88 Keyboard Shortcuts & Commands
- Tons of Tips, Keyboard Commands, and Shortcuts
- Magical Macintosh Key Sequences
- The EnigMac - Yet another place where old Macs rule
- Steve Wood's Writings
- Steve has a wealth of info here about upgrading older Macs
- Also lots of other Mac related topics
- Macs vs PCs
- Dale Adams' Informative Mac Essays
- See What Devan Simunovich Does With 68K Macs
- A List Of Every File Format There Is
- Mary Grimsley's Computer Stuff
- A nice mix of news, views, and useful tech tips.
- Rechargeable Batteries from Thomas Distributing
- They have some really HUGEcapacity rechargeable AA, C and D batteries.
- Just what you need for your digital camera
- They also have battery chargers, holders, testers, and more.
- The Mac Geek's Journal by Bryan Villados
- The Hardsdisk Mac Pages
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- Mac Tips from the Macintosh Guy
- MacBack USA
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- Positively reviewed online