Apple logo Resources For Specific Macintosh Computers*

Here are some other websites offering pretty good information on many specific Apple and Macintosh models.

If you know of a link to a web site that should be here,
If you find a link that has gone dead,
please e-mail Hardsdisk

Please also provide a preferred e-mail address where I can contact you for more information, should I need it. Your address will not be shared with anyone for any reason.

Made by Macintosh

*This site is intended to be a resource of private (non-Apple) websites created and maintained by the individual Mac users who should know them best. Their personal experiences should be a valuable source of information to others of us who also use that particular Mac. I do not intend this site to be simply a collection of pointers to places to buy hardware (commercial websites). Unfortunately, however, especially in the case of the newest Macintosh models, those commercial web sites are often the only sources of technical information for these machines, and more of them than I would like have been included here. I apologize if that offends some visitors. As I continue to search for...and receive nominations from you for...sites maintained by users hopefully the sellers sites will no longer be necessary, and the complexion of this resource will become more what I intended it to be.
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